Posts tagged with: TRAPPIST

Exocast-71c: Exoplanet News & the 100th episode

In this most excellent 100th episode of Exocast from the team we bring you the latest in exoplanet research and news. Hannah and Andrew cover news from the TRAPPIST system. Hannah will dive into the JWST results that have come out about this very famous system of seven Earth-sized rocky planets. Two papers look to the mid-infrared to measure the light directly from the planets b and c in emission – finding that they likely

Exocast-2 b

Exocast-2b In the second exocast episode: • Andrew looks to future world-finding missions. • Hugh latches onto a planet spinning backwards, and adds another bizarre world (or what’s left of it anyway) to our adopted family to keep Kepler-10 b company. • Hannah covers all news exoplanetary from the last month, and there was quite a lot of it! Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS
