Posts tagged with: conference

Exocast-69b: Surviving Scientific Conferences

In this episode Andrew, Hannah, and Hugh discuss the art and science of organising, and attending, scientific conferences, with a particular focus on the recent Exoclimes VI meeting held in Exeter, UK, organised by Hannah and others in the exoplanet community. These meetings are crucial for the dissemination and communication of new results among the community and further afield, but they can be daunting to attend, and very stressful to organise. The team share their


In the twelfth episode, Exocast-12b: Andrew details highlights of the recent UK exoplanet meeting. Hugh and Andrew play “Just an Arcminute” with UK exoplanet scientists. Hannah sits in at the exocast newsdesk to cover news including new data on the Trappist-1 system, unusual clouds closer to home, and new brown dwarfs at the boundary of planets & stars. And Hugh chooses Kepler-47ABc, a rare circum-binary planet, as our adopted planet of the month. Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: RSS
